I don't know what these two sinister octopi are up to, but it can't be good.
Don't ask me how we arrived here as I am not quite certain myself.
I started off with an image of a Victorian girl in a yellow floral field with a wide blue sky. My intention was to give her a nice balloon, maybe a poodle head or an elephant head. Harmless, easy fun.
After I cleaned up the black and white image and then painted in some pretty colors, I realized she wasn't right for my balloon girl so I saved the psd file and found another Victorian girl to walk my surreal balloons.
Three Muses posted a jar challenge last week so I opened up my older saved image to play with. Sometimes I think we have a goal in mind and other times the very vaguest of ideas.
To begin with, I put her into a jar, thinking maybe Alice in Wonderland? Maybe I should add a rabbit? Then I thought that she could be one of many jars on a shelf.... I decided that instead she would going somewhere so I added a cart. Where to go next?
I wasn't sure so I saved again and left the project for another day.
While scrolling through the huge piles of images I have on my pc, I noticed a particular vintage image of an octopus. ( If you follow me at all, you might notice that I seem to have a weakness for octopi. There is just something so intriguingly alien about them). I noticed that this particular octopus would be perfect for the top of the jar.
Now, I had a little girl in a jar, on a cart, with an octopus on top in the middle of a yellow floral field. Clearly, the cart wasn't going anywhere and looked out of place in a floral meadow.
I changed out the ground to a more vintage cobblestone. I added some columns to give it a sense of an urban landscape and decided that it needed a wall. Finally, I realized that the octopus needed a sea to escape too and that the cart needed to be pulled by something so....
Here we are.
I really think that they are friendly octopi. Really! They are probably just bringing a misplaced child home to her family....