Getting ready for a convention.
This is the only weekend selling event I have scheduled this year.
I was fine about it all year until about the past two weeks.
I have stuff made, but, somehow, panic starts to gather in the back of my mind.
I have one six foot long table to fill and I could easily fill two or three standard size booths but
I always feel the need to over prepare.
It's a compulsion that I can't seem to control.
The art association had their montly art market this past Saturday but my children have been wanting to go for Science Saturday at Ligo. With the holiday months looming, I realized that this would be our best last chance. Some weather threatened a bit in the Gulf so we opted for Science and education.
I feel a little guilty about it, but I never was much good at rebelling.

I did attend our art association meeting on Sunday. We had a speaker on
sales techniques which left me with some things to mull over.
I know that selling myself is one of my weak point.
I fear that if I push past my natural reticence, I will come across as falsely friendly
and I personally dislike pushy salespeople so I certainly don't want to become one.
Our art association has a lot of activities planned over the next few months.
We'll be having an official opening of the art gallery.
They sponsor a Scarecrow competition as well as organizing the children's activities at a fall festival.
I signed up to help with the fall festival (1000s of children, what was I thinking?)
So, I have been busy making lots and lots of things. I'm sure I'm making
more than I need but I have a few events coming up after the convention.
I've made about two hundred pin back buttons as well as
about twenty hand mirrors (in the velvet bags).
I found the perfect use for the vintage suitcase I bought
at a thrift store a few months ago!
I've made about two hundred pin back buttons as well as
about twenty hand mirrors (in the velvet bags).
I found the perfect use for the vintage suitcase I bought
at a thrift store a few months ago!
I plan at hanging some pieces at Stabbed in the Art, the first Friday of September
and my application was approved for selling at the Freret Street Market
but I don't know if I will be selling in September or not.
They notify all the lucky vendors the Sunday before
so I must wait patiently.
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