I fell completely down the Rabbit Hole this week.
Welcome to Wonderland.
If you see Alice, give her my best.
Instead of working with my image of Mary Jane Kelly
(I have been tinkering with it for weeks -
decided it was best to let it simmer for a while),
I found that my mind kept coming
back to Miriam Angel.
I went back to the internet and poked around
a little more. I found an in depth article
from 1887 about the trial which went into more
of the specifics and particulars of the case.
I did learn that Miriam Angel was indeed married
and she was killed in the morning after her husband
left for work, but that is about all we
learn about Miriam herself.
The article does a nice job of covering the trial,
so if you are interested, just click HERE.
There are several discrepancies between this article
and some of the other sources that I have found.
The names of Israel Lipski's employees are
slightly different in this article and he is
referred to as a maker of walking sticks
whereas, elsewhere, he has been called
an umbrella salesman.
Since Lipski claimed that his two employees were
really the perpetrators of the horrific crime,
I would be interested to know what paths
their lives followed after Lipski was executed.
If they were the thieves and rapists that Lipski
claimed, I would expect that they would
commit further crimes, but I haven't seen any
references to this anywhere on the internet.
Of course, it has been 125 years.
Still, I always come back to the nitric acid.
Why did Lipski buy it? At different times,
he said he intended to use it to stain wood.
Later he said that he intended to drink it
to take his own life. It was the method used
to kill Miriam Angel. Lipski never satisfactorily
explains why his two employees would
have possession of the acid instead.
I keep coming back to that little bottle which brings
my mind instantly to Alice and Wonderland.
Add in the questionable umbrellas and there is only one
direction to go - straight down the rabbit hole!
direction to go - straight down the rabbit hole!
I had a strange compulsion to make this piece.
It felt a little insensitive to the memory of
Miriam Angel and her child, but it has been
125 years. Sorry, Miriam!
Two pieces in and I still cannot get the case out of my head.
Be warned that more Miriam Angel is to follow.